Interview with Marian Payr – Travel Blogger

Who is Marian Payr?
Marion Payr is the Founder & editor of THETRAVELBLOG, also known as @ladyvenom, Marion has been a travel photographer and Instagramer since 2011. Based in Austria, She visited Zambia for the first time last year where she fell in love with the destination.

Zambia 2019
Thanks to Pinto Africa, ZGH and Tongabezi, Marion enjoyed a spectacular Zambia trip last year, where she got an excellent introduction to the Falls, the Lower Zambezi and the South Luangwa giving her inspuration to come back again and see more soon but also to write some enticing blogs..
Where next?
I still hope I’ll be able to visit Kenya at the end of this year – fingers crossed!

Postpone Travel
But until then it’s key to keep in mind that with the drop in tourism wildlife conservation and anti-poaching work will suffer. If the local authorities and initiatives loose their main source of income from tourism there sooner than later will be problems with keeping feet on the ground to protect these fragile eco systems and the wildlife in it.

Therefore I urge all visitors to postpone their already booked trips instead of canceling them, so that at least a part of the revenue can be used to keep up the ground work in the African bush. Thank you to all those supporting this.