Getting used to life under Corona Virus

I work from home so for me remote working is part of my daily life. However, as of this Monday morning, like so many other parents, Covid 19 has created a new norm. My husband is here battling for my desk space and we face the reality of both trying to work as well as trying to home school our seven year old triplet boys. As the boys head out after their lunch having completed a morning run, a maths lesson, a creative writing lesson, one of them turns to me and smiles and says, “enjoy your break Mrs Arkwright”. I realise that everything is going to be ok.

The world has carried on turning and we will get through this and maybe there are some lessons to be learnt along the way. It makes me realised how detached I have been from their education. Whilst completing their maths lesson, I start day dreaming about their topic. I’m going free style with this one – we are going to learn about Africa and all its glory.

It captured my heart over twenty years ago and now it’s time for it to capture three little boys’ hearts. If we can’t go to Africa, Africa is going to have to come to Duck Lake Farm Primary School. There is going to be map drawing, geography, biology, Swahili lessons, cultural studies, singing and lastly no African studies would be complete without learning some true African dancing. By the time the boys return to school they will be able to jump like a Maasai, speak some Swahili, regale animal facts and if my teaching is good enough maybe even put together a safari holiday to Sub-Saharan Africa! The last one might be slightly ambitious, but we’ve all got to have goals in this uncertain time!

To all my friends in the travel industry – stay safe, stay sane and when times get tough close your eyes, take a deep breath in and picture your favourite game drive or African sun downer spot. When this is all over Africa will be there to welcome us like the old friend she has become.